„Write as you read, read as it is written“ – Johann Christoph Adelung Did you know that Serbian language is the only European language which has two different alphabets? Both of them were adapted by Serbian language reformer Vuk Stefanović Karadžić, with great help of the Grimm brothers and other European linguists; so they have […]
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Serbian Spring Holidays – Serbian Orthodox Easter
As we have mentioned in some of the previous articles, most of Serbs are Serbian Orthodox Christians. Serbian Orthodox Church still follows old tradition – same as the Russian Orthodox Church. This means that Serbs don’t necessarily celebrate Easter on the same day as Catholics or Protestants. However, although some of the Orthodox Churches – […]
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Urnebes Salad – Serbs like it hot
Serbs love to eat so much, and Serbian kitchen is mainly based on meat. Yes, we are carnivores; and so do our guests become when they taste our meat specialties. However, the unbreakable part of Serbian cuisine are the fresh sidedishes and dips for which we have one name – „salata“. Although it’s usually used […]
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Shumadian Tea – Warm up in Serbian manner
So, we have mentioned „Shumadian Tea“ several times before. This miraculous drink wins the hearts of all the people who taste it. We consider it omnipotent cure for cold and flu; it is very powerful antidepressive and an extraordinary catalyst in making new friendships. We drink it during the cold months, we drink it in […]
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Christmas – Time of Enjoying Our Fruits and Family Blessings
Yes, the winter has started recently, and Serbs are preparing themselves for the period of enjoyment. Days are getting shorter, and the favorite pastime among Serbs is socializing with friends and family. We have already mentioned Slava – authentic Serbian holidays – and the season of holidays has arrived. Very soon it will be Christmas […]
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Serbian Family – Who’s Who?
We have mentioned the importance of family to Serbs several times now, so we have decided to entertain you with a closer look at Serbian family relations. Serbian family tree and relations are among the most complex in the world. In the most of the West European cultures only direct blood lines are recognized with […]
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Stara Planina – The Elder of Serbian Mountains
Picturesque valley of Morava rivers – Great and South Morava – leads adventure-seeking travellers to „Old Mountain“ or, as we call it – Stara Planina. One cannot miss it: its visible miles away; a sheer raw beauty, unspoiled by industry. Its prong-like look looks stunning and makes people think of their minor size in regard […]
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SLAVA – what makes Serbs different from other Orthodox
„Where there is Slava, there is a Serb“ – Serbian proverb Majority of Serbs are Christians, and Christianity came very soon after the settling of South Slavs in Balkans. Byzantine missionaries and brothers St. Cyril and St. Methodius are considered to be the founders of South Slavic Christianity. It was a very cunning way to […]
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Serbian Ethno-West Adventure
Beautiful weekend, abundant of shunshine, usually works as a trigger for our group to explore Serbia. Our goal was to reach the banks of Drina river, Serbian natural border with Bosnia and Hercegovina and one of the most beautiful rivers in Europe. As a destination we’ve picked ethno complex „Sunčana Reka“, or „Sunny river“ in […]
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