Belgrade can be proud of its rich museum collections. Those available for the public represent priceless “windows” into the past and an “educative doors” toward new artistic tendencies. With diverse collections of paintings and objects from prehistoric times until today, Tesla’s inventions, interesting old cars, and other exhibitions, visitors can really get insight into cultural […]
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Themed gala dinner & party examples
We love challenges. In our agency, we are constantly improving our professional skills and with every event, we are learning and growing. Anything you can imagine, we can deliver into reality. Even if you are out of ideas, our creative leaders will step in and design unique and original incentives, intended for you only. The […]
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Creative workshops as team building in Serbia
In order to maintain a cohesive and friendly atmosphere among colleagues, companies of all sizes and profiles are looking for the best suitable team building activities and places, and when it comes to places, Serbia is the right place to go. Why Serbia? People in Serbia are warm, full of kindness, hospitality, especially towards foreigners. […]
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Adventurous Team Building in Serbia
Team building is the process of turning a group of individual contributing employees into a cohesive team. It is a collective term for various types of activities used to enhance social relations and define roles within teams, often involving collaborative tasks. This may be the closest definition of team building, which has been developing surprisingly […]
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Winter Fairytale in Belgrade
Surely you have that favorite piece of clothes which fits you perfectly, you feel natural in it, and you ware it with pride. Belgrade has its season, a best-suited dress of Belgrade is winter. Belgrade, or Beograd, how we locals call it, got the name from two Serbian words Beo – white, and Grad which […]
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Experience autumn beauty in Serbia
Do you need a vacation, adventure, recreation or relaxation? Serbia can give you all. After a long warm summer, everything is calming down. Nature is taking a deep breath and seems like she is going to fall into a sweet sleep. But don’t forget that she is always awake, just waiting to be revealed. You […]
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Serbia summer spots – Many options to refresh and enjoy
Have you ever been thinking of spending your summer vacation in some unusual and not so well known place? Far away from the sandy beaches, far away from the scent of salty rocks and sea. There is a lot to see, a lot to feel and experience if you decide to come to Serbia. You […]
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5 reasons why your next corporate event organisation should be in Belgrade
Sea of Vineyards – Vršac Wine Route
Serbian Ethno-West Adventure
Beautiful weekend, abundant of shunshine, usually works as a trigger for our group to explore Serbia. Our goal was to reach the banks of Drina river, Serbian natural border with Bosnia and Hercegovina and one of the most beautiful rivers in Europe. As a destination we’ve picked ethno complex „Sunčana Reka“, or „Sunny river“ in […]
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Ethno Village Tiganjica
Ethno Village Tiganjica is located in the eastern part of Vojvodina, namely in the Banat village Stajićevo. The village is far from Zrenjanin ten kilometers and at the entrance to the nature reserve Imperial bar, with the idea that in an imaginative way depict life in Banat. The complex was constructed in the old Banat […]
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Warm welcoming to Serbia
People in Serbia are warm, full of kindness, hospitality, especially towards foreigners. Serbia is a land known for warmhearted people, where hospitality is the dearest obligation of every host. As Serbian’s are good hosts they will call you to visit them at home. Every host will do everything to make the guest feel like at […]
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Belgrade Nightlife
Many international magazines and newspapers wrote about it as if it was some kind of phenomenon. Actually, Serbs have known how to party ever since, but we kept our little secret just for ourselves. Today, everybody comes to Belgrade, from Slovenians who pour to the city like Americans to Mexico, to trendsetters from all over […]
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Rural – village eco tourism
If You are tired from chaotic and furious regime of city life, Serbian villages are the best place to find an oasis of peace. Whether You need active or real vacation, villages are perfect place to visit. Serbia eco tourism offers organic and healthy food, crystal clear sky, fresh and unpolluted air, domestic animal, thick […]
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Days of vintage grape
Traditional Days of Vintage Grape, this year is going to be held for the time. More than half a century, Vrsac and their guests, on the third week of September, are celebrating the rich and successful harvest with music and merriment drinking wine. All who visit Vrsac in these three days, have the opportunity […]
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