Zlatibor, beauty among the mountains, is situated 220km from Belgrade, 23km southwest of Užice in western Serbia. It is an important tourist area of Serbia, with resources for health tourism, skiing, and hiking. The main city of the region is Užice, located at the foothills of the mountain. The first inhabitants of Zlatibor were the […]
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Winter in Serbia – Kopaonik
If you are looking for a mountain that will please all your needs you are in the right place because Kopaonik has everything you wish for. It is the perfect option for vacation if you are going on your own, as it is perfect for a holiday with friends. On the other hand, it is […]
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Celebrating New Year’s Eve (and a few more) in Serbia
In that one special night, that smells like hope, people are gettering all over the world reposing their dreams on better tomorrow. They are waiting for their wishes to become true and they are waiting for the midnight kiss from that one, special person. And when it comes to the special nights, here in Serbia […]
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Winter Fairytale in Belgrade
Surely you have that favorite piece of clothes which fits you perfectly, you feel natural in it, and you ware it with pride. Belgrade has its season, a best-suited dress of Belgrade is winter. Belgrade, or Beograd, how we locals call it, got the name from two Serbian words Beo – white, and Grad which […]
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Belgrade Tradition – Street of an Open Heart
Belgrade is becoming an attractive destination for many travelers all over the year, especially for the New Year and Christmas holidays. After a turbulent New Year’s Eve celebration, take a stroll down Svetogorska street which is transformed into the “Street of Open Heart”. One of most beautiful city manifestation is traditionally held every 1st January. […]
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Shumadian Tea – Warm up in Serbian manner
So, we have mentioned „Shumadian Tea“ several times before. This miraculous drink wins the hearts of all the people who taste it. We consider it omnipotent cure for cold and flu; it is very powerful antidepressive and an extraordinary catalyst in making new friendships. We drink it during the cold months, we drink it in […]
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Christmas – Time of Enjoying Our Fruits and Family Blessings
Yes, the winter has started recently, and Serbs are preparing themselves for the period of enjoyment. Days are getting shorter, and the favorite pastime among Serbs is socializing with friends and family. We have already mentioned Slava – authentic Serbian holidays – and the season of holidays has arrived. Very soon it will be Christmas […]
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Soulfood Serbia: Gibanica
Winter is knocking on the door of the Northern Hemisphere, and winter holidays are approaching. We will give you some ideas in upcoming weeks for enriching your feasts with genuine Serbian specialties. They are easy to make, very tasty and they have great stories behind. So, let’s start with Serbian warm appetizers… Serbian Pie Queen […]
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SLAVA – what makes Serbs different from other Orthodox
„Where there is Slava, there is a Serb“ – Serbian proverb Majority of Serbs are Christians, and Christianity came very soon after the settling of South Slavs in Balkans. Byzantine missionaries and brothers St. Cyril and St. Methodius are considered to be the founders of South Slavic Christianity. It was a very cunning way to […]
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Winter in Belgrade
If you haven`t made your mind yest about where to spare your New Year and January holidays, Serbian capital of Belgrade would definitely be the right place for You! Winter in Belgrade, with it`s rich event calendar, will impress and satisfy Your this years expectations. We are presenting You the list of those events, and […]
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